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#FriendsFriday 30 - Justine Reeve

The beautiful Justine in Selling Secrets 2: Pub

The beautiful Justine in Selling Secrets 2: Pub

How are you involved with Casson & Friends? 

Three years ago I was thrilled to receive a call from Tim, and the phone call got better when he asked me to be involved with a new project that was a bit like 'The Dance WE Made' but in a non performance setting.

His words were 'as a choreographer yourself' blah blah 'dream team' blah blah I can't remember the rest as it was all filtered through my female brain.

I think I said yes and was excited but I didn't tweet about it so who knows. For the past three years I have been creating and performing together with the two most wonderful (other than Tim) humans involved in dance, Robert Guy and Katie Green. The project was named 'Selling Secrets', and the harvesting of ideas from members of the public began. (Please note that members of the public are just like us).

We created three shows over three years in three settings, a hotel, a pub and an office. The shows took the audience around the site exploring the stories and characters these sites offered from the 'real' stories we collected.

The audience found themselves being part voyeur and part participant. But now it has ended and I'm trying to put my life back together. Will I ever see this 'dream team' again..?

What do you love about dance? 

If you had asked me when I was younger I may have said something obvious like 'because it makes me feel free, it is my voice' etc but I am now in conflict with dance. 

Dance is a pain in the arse. 

Oh ok I still love it. I love the joy on the faces of the little people I teach dance to (through my learning and participation company Puppik Dance). I love watching people that enjoy dancing. I love dancing for myself.

Are you still reading this? Well done! 

What song always makes you dance?

Define 'dance'. 

Listen to the #FriendsFriday playlist on Spotify

Find out more about Justine here, follow her on Twitter and watch her YouTube series Smacks of Naff.

You can also invest in this handy 'Dance Improvisations' book and buy some awesome 'Music for Choreography'

Meet more of the Casson & Friends team every Friday with #FriendsFriday!